Tuesday 23 June 2009

update dark smith legacy book 7

i said that i coudnt find any infomation yesterday on this book but i ask combom to see if he knew and he found it for me so thanks combom

In the seventh part of the series, The Planet of Oblivion,the neutral ground of the usually lush and beautiful Ursulonamex, known as The Planet of Oblivion, is now scorched and charred. This is where the Darksmiths met their clients to discuss the Eternity Plan, but there is no sign of the clients now, nothing to suggest who they were… as though the mysterious clients have made sure of it. The Doctor and Gisella learn from the few survivors of the Rain of Fire, and that the only clues there might be of what happened could be stored in the observation stations in orbit round the planet. Do any of the observation stations still exist? Are the Doctor and Gisella as alone on board as they think? Who are the Dravidian Hive and are they as benign as they seem…? What is a Dreadbringer


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